
1. 提单通常是3正3副,也有2正3副的。假如信用证有要求的话,要和货代特别说明。~关注微信公众号“外贸精英社”免费领取更多外贸干货~
1. The bill of lading is usually made in 3 pairs, but there are also 2 pairs. Special instructions should be given to the forwarder if the Letter of credit requires. ~ focus on WeChat public "foreign trade elite" free to receive more foreign trade dry goods ~
In the case of T/T payment, theoretically only one original is needed (after taking delivery of the goods, other originals will automatically become invalid, and the copy cannot be taken delivery of the goods). After T/T receives the full payment for goods, he/she can consider keeping one original for himself when sending the original to the customer, and send the rest all to the customer (in case the bill of lading is lost in the way).
2. 提单正面要显示承运人(全名)。这是知道了解到的内容,实际在做信用证的时候,银行告诉我提单上没有显示承运人后仍安全交单收款(因此理论上应该是要显示的)。
2. Carrier (full name) shall be shown on front of bill of lading. This is what I know and understand. In fact, when the l/C was made, the bank told me that the bill of lading did not show that the carrier was still safe to deliver the DOCUMENTS for collection (so theoretically it should be shown).
The front display of the carrier's lower right corner is directly signed by the carrier's seal.
If the bill of lading is signed by the carrier and is not shown on the front, the identity of the signatory shall be indicated when the bill of lading is signed.
A bill of lading showing the full name of the carrier but signed by the carrier, when signed, shall indicate the identity of the carrier.