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发布时间:2020-09-02 14:35:29

只需要发票正本一份就可以了 还有就是营业执照一份 扫描件 就可以 !



Foreign trade documents to make the essence

The so-called top-down, that is, starting from the top item of a document, finishing the item on the previous line and then doing the item on the next line. When there are multiple vertical items in a line, the principle of left-to-right should be followed. In this way, it is not easy to change the items that need to be changed; Second, the whole document can be divided into small pieces to improve the accuracy.


When we make documents, every company has a set of fixed format. Usually, the fixed format is applied every time. However, when applying the fixed format, it is easy to make the mistake of "the items that should be modified but not changed". For example, export documents of different order batches of the same commodity often apply the same format, title and name of the documents, but because the documents of different batches of orders have slight differences in date, quantity, number and other small aspects, these differences are easy to be ignored. However, this error can be largely avoided by following a top-down, left-to-right approach to document making, and by following the principle of "thinking like reading with your eyes fixed on the pen dot scale rather than checking it line by line, letter by letter".



Before is the basic idea that makes bill, but specific how to do is very flexible, want to depend on the specific circumstance of different business and decide. Foreign trade documents are the witness to record the whole foreign trade business, should be consistent with the contract and reality. Documents not under a credit although not under a credit

To be strict, but also to be correct, accurate and precise.

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