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发布时间:2020-09-02 15:12:08



 从词义上看,via表示“通过,经由,途经,借助等”,on behalf of 表示“as the agent of , on the part of ,作为XX的代理,代表XX”。

  从涵义来看,on behalf of明示了双方的委托代理关系,界定了双方存在的法律关系,via则没有此种涵义。

On behalf of, on behalf of, on behalf of, behind, behind, behind, behind, behind, behind, behind, behind, behind, behind, behind, behind, behind, behind, behind, behind

From the perspective of meaning, on of expresses the principal-agent relationship of the parties and defines the existing legal relationship between the parties, but VIA does not have such meaning.

  出口货物发货人一般是有效合同的卖方或发票出票人,如果使用on behalf of,在其后填写转口商名称,则表示出口货物发货人只是转口商的代理,或仅仅代表转口商,这就意味着有效合同的实际卖方或发票的实际出票人是转口商,而转口商又是在中国境外登记注册的主体。

Consignor of export goods is generally valid contract the seller or invoice issuer, if use on behalf of, later fill in transit business name, said consignor of export goods is only transit business agent, or just a transit business, this means that a valid contract is the actual the drawer of the seller or invoice on the transit, and transit business is the main body of registered outside China.

  因此这种填写方式会显示该批出口货物实际所有权人并非中国法人,造成出口货物所有权的实际变更,从而误解出口货物发货人的真实所在国(地区)。这就使原产地证书无法实际体现对进出口货物进行统计的功能,也就使货物进口国不能真正实行有差别的数量控制来进行贸易管理,同时使进口国消费者容易混淆货物的真实原产地。Therefore, this way of filling will show that the actual owner of the export goods is not a Chinese legal person, resulting in the actual change of the ownership of the export goods, thus misunderstanding the real country (region) where the exporter of the export goods is located. This makes it impossible for the CERTIFICATE of origin to actually carry out statistics on import and export goods, makes it impossible for the importing country to carry out trade management by means of differentiated quantity control, and makes it easy for consumers in the importing country to confuse the true origin of goods.

  Q:做CO的时候要双抬头那什么时候用该用VIA ,什么时候用O/B ?



Q: When you do CO, you have to double your head. When do you use VIA and when do you use O/B?

A: For example, if your company is not registered in CCPIT or Commodity Inspection Bureau, you need to find another domestic company to do it for you. If you do so, write the name of the agent, OB, in the column of CO Shipper, which is similar to the overseas company.

In addition, overseas or domestic companies can be shown after VIA, while only domestic companies can be shown after O/B.

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