保险单需要认证副本就可以 ,但是要有签字!
外贸保险单简称为保单,保险人与被保险人订立保险合同的正式书面证明。保险单必须完整地记载保险合同双方当事人的权利义务及责任。保险单记载的内容是合同双方履行的依据。保险单是保险合同成立的证明。但根据我国《保险法》规定,保险合同成立与否并不取决于保险单的签发,只要投保人和保险人就合同的条款协商一致,保险合同就成立,即使尚未签发保险单,保险人也应负赔偿责任。保险合同双方当事人在合同中约定以出立保险单为合同生效条件的除外。Foreign trade policy is referred to as policy, the underwriter and insurant conclude the formal written proof of insurance contract. An insurance policy must fully record the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties to the insurance contract. The contents stated in the insurance policy shall be the basis for the performance of both parties to the contract. The insurance policy is the proof of the contract of insurance. But according to our country "insurance law" regulation, insurance contract is established whether do not depend on of insurance policy issue, want policy-holder and underwriter to reach an agreement through consultation on the clause of the contract only, insurance contract is established, although have not issued insurance policy, underwriter also should bear compensatory responsibility. The parties to an insurance contract agree in the contract that an insurance policy shall be the effective condition of the contract.
Contents of a foreign trade policy
A foreign trade insurance policy must clearly and completely record the rights and obligations of both parties concerned. The policy mainly contains the name of the insurer and the insured, the subject matter insured, the amount insured, the premium, the period of insurance, the scope of liability for compensation or payment and other prescribed matters. The application that insurance policy bases on policy-holder, sign by the underwriter, hand over insurant to receive hold, insurance policy is insurant suffers accident accident in insurance mark and when producing loss, the main evidence that claims to the underwriter, also be the basis that the underwriter collects insurance premium at the same time.