
Huangpu feeder HKG ocean vessel LAX(W.C)陆桥MLB NYC(E.C.)则:Pre-carriage by ______(此栏填feeder ship名即驳船名);Ocean Vessel_____(填大船名)Place of Receipt by Pre-Carriage_____(填Huangpu);Port of Loading_____(填HKG);Port of Discharge_____(填LAX);Place of Delivery栏:若大 船公司 负责至NYC则填NYC;若负责至LA则填LA。Final Destination(if goods to be transshipped at port of discharge)(Applicable only when document used as a through B/L:仅当该B/L被用作全程转运B/L时才填此栏!)______(此栏填NYC)
Examples of HKG Ocean Vessel LAX (W.C) land bridge MLB NYC (E.C.) were: pre-carriage by. (Fill in this column with the name of feeder ship). (1) Place of Receipt by Ocean vesselattendees (include name of large ship); (fill in HKG); Port of dischargeattendees (fill in LAX); Place of Delivery column: if the big shipping company is responsible for NYC, fill in NYC; If responsible to LA then fill in LA. Final Destination (if goods to be transshipped at port of discharge) (pass only when document used as a through B/L: fill in this column only when the B/L is used as the full transit B/L!) "A." (enter NYC)