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发布时间:2020-09-03 16:38:40

资信证明信 这个要认证正本文件的 


对于货主来说,航运中的风险主要有两种,一种是货损货差和延迟交付,另一种 是与欺诈有关的提货而不付款。对第一类风险,有比较明确的国际法和各国法律来判 断责任所在,而第二类风险实在更加诡谲。有一些进口商出于有意欺诈的目的,首先迎合出口商希望 信用证 支付方式安全可靠的心理,在 信用证 中设置一些软条款,如客检证等,使议付时发生不符,出口商无法从银行取得货款,同时,在 信用证 中又指定 货运代理,可以不通过银行而通过货代取得货物。

For shippers, there are two main risks in shipping. One is loss of goods and late delivery, and the other is fraud related to taking delivery without payment. For the first type of risk, there are relatively clear international and national laws to determine the responsibility, while the second type of risk is more complicated. Some importers for deliberately fraud purposes, first to cater to the safe and reliable exporters hope to payment by l/c, set some soft clauses in l/c, such as guest testing, make negotiation occurs when discrepancy, exporters unable to obtain payment from the bank, at the same time, and specified in the l/c freight forwarders, can not by forwarding the goods by the bank.

  关于货代提单,出口商是有过不少教训的,曾闻上海某公司接受了一张客户的银行开出的信用证,其中包括了这样两个条件:(1)指定提交某货代提单;(2)要求客检证正本,由客户手签,签名必须与客户在银行的留底一致。该公司制妥所有单据,赶在提单日后的第21天向议付行交单。按理说这套单据经过严格的审核,不会有什么错误了,但问题就出在客户签字上,客检证签字与银行留底不符。该公司立刻与客户联系,但始终联系不上,于是想到去找货物,却发现货物早就被货代在目的港的代理提 走,而此时货代也没了踪迹

(2) The original certificate shall be signed by the customer manually. The signature must be consistent with the customer's deposit in the bank. The company shall complete all documents and present them to the negotiating bank on the 21st day after the date of bill of lading. It should be said that this set of documents through strict examination, there will be no mistakes, but the problem on the signature of the customer, customer inspection card signature and bank leave inconsistent. The company immediately contacted the customer, but could not get in touch, so it thought to look for the goods, only to find that the goods had long been picked up by the forwarder's agent at the port of destination, at which time the forwarder had also disappeared

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