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发布时间:2020-09-03 16:37:09



    (1)托运单(SHIPPING NOTE--B/N)有的地方称为“下货纸”,是托运人根据贸易合同和 信用证 条款内容填制的,向承运人或其代理办理货物托运的单据。承运人根据托运单内容,并结合船舶的航线,挂靠港,船期和舱位等条件考虑,认为合适后,即接受托运。托运单制作应注意:(1)目的港:名称须明确具体,并与 信用证 描述一致,如有同名港时,须在 港口 名称后注明国家,地区或州,城市。如 信用证 规定目的港为选择港(OPTIONAL PORTS),则应是同一航线上的,同一航次挂靠的基本港。

A SHIPPING NOTE--B/N, as it is sometimes called, is a document made out by the shipper in accordance with the terms of the trade contract and letter of credit to the carrier or his agent for the carriage of the goods. The carrier shall accept the consignment upon consideration of the contents of the consignment note and the conditions such as the ship's route, port of call, shipping date and shipping space, etc. as deemed appropriate. Note: (1) Port of destination: the name should be specific and consistent with the description in the Letter of credit. If there is a port with the same name, the country, region, state or city should be indicated after the name of the port. If the Credit stipulates that the port of destination is OPTIONAL PORTS, it shall be the base port on the same route and on the same voyage.


  每个具有进出口权的托运人都有一个托运代号(通常也是商业发票号),以便查核和财务结算。。?)货物名称应根据货物的实际名称,用中英文两种文字填写,更重要的是要与信用证所列货名相符。Transport number, that is, the number of the power of attorney.

Each shipper with import/export rights has a shipping code (usually also a commercial invoice number) for verification and financial settlement. ?). The name of the goods should be filled in both Chinese and English according to the actual name of the goods. More importantly, it should correspond with the name of the goods listed in the L/C.

  (4)标记及号码,又称唛头(SHIPPING MARK),是为了便于识别货物,防止错发货,通常由型号,图形货收货单位简称,目的港,件数或批号等组成。

(4) Marks and Numbers, also known as SHIPPING marks, are for the convenience of identifying goods and preventing wrong delivery. They are usually made up of model number, figure goods receiving unit abbreviation, port of destination, number of pieces or batch number, etc.

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