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出口运输方式 卫生许可证/声明印尼大使馆认证

发布时间:2020-09-15 10:54:43

只要备齐资料就可以安排  卫生许可证副本一份, 声明正本一份 声明要盖章!输方式:卫生许可证/声明印尼大使馆认证

1. 大宗运输:这是一种非主流的运输方式,但利润非常丰厚。主要涉及低附加值产品,主要进口煤炭、矿石、粮食、化肥、饲料、大麦等产品,出口焦炭、铝土矿等产品。它通常用散货船运输。

Maritime transport

1. Bulk transportation: This is a non-mainstream mode of transportation, but very profitable. Mainly involving low value-added products, mainly imports coal, ore, grain, fertilizer, feed, barley and other products, export coke, bauxite and other products. It is usually transported by bulk carrier.

2. 集装箱运输:集装箱的出现是海运史上的一个里程碑。它改变了世界贸易的模式。它的规格主要是20GP, 40GP, 40HC,以及冻结,框架,敞篷,油箱。20GP也是一个标准集装箱,以TEU为代表,它的TEU比每个港口都多。船公司的每个集装箱都有一个集装箱号,前四个字母后跟七个阿拉伯数字,例如:AMSU4567898。集装箱装满后,由船公司提供铅封,每个封条都要编号。铅封一旦打开,就会损坏,容易区分货物损失的责任。只要船公司将重箱运送到指定地点,并保证封条完好,装运任务就完成了。

2. Container transportation: The emergence of container is a milestone in the history of shipping. It changed the pattern of world trade. Its specifications are mainly 20GP, 40GP, 40HC, as well as frozen, frame, convertible, tank. 20GP is also a standard container, represented by TEU, which has more TEU than each port. Each container of the shipping company has a container number followed by the first four letters with seven Arabic numerals, for example :AMSU4567898. When the container is full, the shipping company shall provide lead seals, and each seal shall be numbered. The lead seal, once opened, will be damaged, making it easy to distinguish liability for loss of goods. As long as the shipping company transports the heavy container to the designated place and guarantees that the seal is in good condition, the shipment is completed.

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