大使馆加签业务是我司一项重要业务,直接服务于外贸公司和企业。在长期的办理领事 认证业务实践中积累了丰富的工作经验,代送了大量的外商贸文件和单证的领事认证业务,并 在实际工作中急客户所急,想客户所想,为他们解决了在办理过程中出现的各种各样的难题。
(I) Title.
The title of the articles of association, usually composed of the name of the organization or association plus the type. Under the heading, state when and at what meeting, with brackets. The congress of the organization concerned approves it, even if it is an official constitution. If it has not been adopted by the Congress, add the word "draft" at the end of the title.
(2) The text.
The body of the articles of association includes three parts: general provisions, specific provisions and supplementary provisions.
The general principles, also known as the general outline, describe the nature, purpose, task and style of the organization as a whole.
The sub-provisions:
(1) The terms, rights, obligations and disciplines of membership;
(2) To organize and hold honorary posts in national organizations, local organizations, grass-roots organizations, congresses, councils, standing councils, professional groups and other organizations;
(3) Funds, sources of funds, use and management, etc.
Supplementary provisions, with the right of formulation, modification and interpretation, etc