台州挂号证厄瓜多尔(ECUADOR)领事盖章Taizhou registration certificate Ecuador (ECUADOR) consul stamp

通常盖章的资料有:产地证、 贸易INV、装箱单、条约、报关单、开业执照、提单、等各类贸易文件送各国领事盖章。
All types of documents that need to be stamped shall be copied with a typewriter, and handwriting is invalid. It is also required to be clean, complete, and effective. All revisions must be stamped with the proofreading stamp of the applicant (each document must use no more than three correction stamps), and the number of copies of each document to be stamped should be indicated when submitting.
If the stamped documents need to be hand signed, a valid basis (such as L/C, etc.) should be provided.
All documents and seals must be kept in the CCPIT, and the bottom can be a photocopy
甚么时候需求办-理领事盖章? 按照国际惯例和中国领事实践,我国公民在国外学习、工作、栖身,或是在国内办-理出国签证时,常需求应用少许由国内公证处出具的涉外公证/书,如出生公证、未伏法事处置公证、授权拜托书公证、条约公证等等。这些公证/书在送国外〔或外国驻华使(领)馆〕应用前普通需求办-理领事盖章;中国企业法人因境外经贸活动需求,常需向官/方机构请求原产地证、发货清单、形式、规格证明、重量证明、装箱单、提单、保险单等,或向各地收支境检验检疫机构请求原产地证明、商品检验证明书、动植物出口检疫证明书等,这些文书在发往国外应用前,普通也需办-理领事盖章。反过来,外国相关文书在送中国应用前,也需办-理响应的领事盖章。