(FSC认证)印尼使馆加签认证 右方有联系方式:
(杭州)(FSC认证)印尼使馆加签 天下代送*谁说廉价没好货??,费用好出签迅速!解决热线:
The Peruvian Embassy requires a signed Invoice to provide a copy of Invoice as a reference.
埃塞俄比亚 、 、科威特、(白色产地证英文片面公司填写,阿文片面由使馆翻译,收20元翻译费) 、伊朗、意大利使馆请求另需填写分外表格花样(可向咱们索要)。
Ethiopia,, Kuwait, (white part of the certificate of origin is filled in by the English part of the company, the Arabic part is translated by the embassy, and a translation fee of 20 yuan is charged). The Iranian and Italian embassies require additional special forms (available from us)