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发布时间:2020-10-27 18:20:03

授权书阿联酋大使馆认证事宜阿联酋商会认证 右方联系:


UAE Consulate Wuxi Representative Letter Double Certification, UAE Chamber of Co毫米erce Certification

阿联酋领馆无锡代表函双认证 阿联酋商会认证










The process of consular dual authentication As far as the current procedures are concerned, documents used across countries generally require three stages of dual authentication before they can have legal effect outside the territory.

(1). Notarization and dual certification link: refers to a country's notarization agency or corresponding agency in accordance with the party's application, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country to provide written certification of civil or co毫米ercial legal acts and legal facts.

(2) The dual certification link of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country where the document is issued confirms the authenticity of the signature or seal on the document issued by the notary institution or corresponding institution. Its purpose is to make it easier for a country's documents to be certified by the diplomatic and consular agencies in foreign countries of the country where the documents are used, and to exercise the gatekeeping function to a certain extent to maintain the authority of a country's documents.

(3) Consular dual authentication link: refers to the diplomatic and consular agency of the country where the notarized document is used in a foreign country, which confirms and proves the authenticity of the last signature or seal on the document. This is the key link for the legal effect of the instrument outside the territory.

The entire procedure of consular dual certification has to go through the three dual certification processes of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade or the Notary Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the dual certification of embassies and consulates. The required time, re and costs vary according to the re of each embassy and consulate. Therefore, Enterprises should do it as soon as possible to avoid delays and losses.

关联产物:代表函 , 阿联酋 , 领馆 , 双认证

咨询热线:134-1874-5414 公司邮箱:505857069@qq.com