按照发票金额收费的 , 没有固定的收费价格!
沙特大使馆加签普通需要半个月摆布的时间,凭据领馆请求,白色产地证需用阿文填写(手写、机打均可),出口肉类时,需同时认证下列四类尺简:发票、产地证、商检证、屠宰证。在我国出口商业中,很多国度和区域对我国的出口企业所供应的涉外商业票据和文件,请求经该国驻华使领馆认证,方可在入口时办 理通关结汇手续,沙特(Saudi Arabia)即是请求解决使馆加签的国度之一。
It usually takes half a month for the Saudi Embassy to sign the certificate. According to the request of the consulate, the white certificate of origin should be filled in Arabic (handwritten, machine printed). When exporting meat, the following four kinds of documents should be certified simultaneously: invoice, certificate of origin, commodity inspection certificate and slaughter certificate. In China's export business, foreign commercial bills and documents supplied by many countries and regions to China's export enterprises can only go through the customs clearance and foreign exchange settlement procedures after they have been authenticated by the country's diplomatic and consular missions in China. Saudi Arabia is one of the countries that request the embassy's signature.
咱们代庖种种清关文件和民事商业公证书送沙特驻华使领馆盖印认证,沙特驻华领事认证时常解决的质料有: 1、商业尺简:产地证CO、商业发票、拜托书、授权书、商事证实书、费用单、商检证、条大概、报关单、箱单、开业执照、出口申明、屠宰证等质料。 2、民事尺简:成婚证、康健证、学历证书、专业资历证、驾驶证、学历证、未刑公证书、未婚及分手证实等质料。
沙特说明:沙特阿拉伯王国(英语:Kingdom of Saudi Arabia),通称沙特阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia),简称沙特。沙特位于亚洲西南部的阿拉伯半岛,东濒波斯湾,西临红海,同大概旦、伊拉克、科威特、阿拉伯团结酋长国、阿曼、也门、巴林、卡塔尔等国交界。