当前位置: 首页 授权书和委托书都要阿联酋大使馆认证!


发布时间:2020-11-13 15:30:47


都需要认证正本文件 一式两份 而且要盖公章!


Power of attorney and power of attorney to uae Embassy certification!

All original documents need to be certified in duplicate and stamped with official seal!

It takes 9-10 working days for the UAE Embassy to sign and solve the general demand, and English is enough for documents to speak. For different materials, there is a difference in the fee charged by the embassy, and the fee charged for commercial documents is relatively high. The following is the general request for the authentication of the consulate: the invoice shall be certified along with the certificate of origin, and the invoice shall be charged according to the amount. When exporting meat, it is required to certify the following four types of tape at the same time: invoice, certificate of origin, commodity inspection certificate and slaughter certificate. All notarial certificates (civil and commercial) are charged on a commercial basis. In order to certify the size sheet for export of one-sided varieties of goods, packing list and/or commodity inspection certificate shall be certified in addition to certificate of origin and invoice. Due to the various customs of Afghanistan related to the goods of the request is not exactly the same, please apply for the staff before applying for certification, to the goods from the customs of the origin of the detailed request of the size. The above - mentioned ruler jian should be the same batch of certification, or need to solve the certification of all the ruler Jian.

阿联酋说明:阿拉伯团结酋长国(英语:The United Arab Emirates),简称“阿联酋”,位于阿拉伯半岛东部,北濒波斯湾,西北与卡塔尔为邻,西和南与沙特阿拉伯交壤,东和东北与阿曼连接海岸线长734公里,都城阿布扎比。阿联酋是一个以产油著称的西亚戈壁国度,有“戈壁中的花朵”的美称,阿联酋迪拜的风帆旅店是天下上唯独一个七星级旅店。


当前,请求使领馆认证的国度和区域要紧密集在南美、中东、非洲等国度和区域,别的少许欧泰国/越南家也正进入到这一队伍中来。要紧有 阿根廷、埃及、墨西哥、沙特、阿联酋、阿曼、巴西、科威特、秘鲁、伊朗、印度、俄罗斯、卡塔尔、玻利维亚、希腊、波兰、哥伦比亚、伊拉克、泰国、菲律宾、厄瓜多尔、大概旦、利比亚、土耳其、丹麦、西班牙、巴基斯坦、缅甸、智利、委内瑞拉、叙利亚等。




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