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发布时间:2020-11-13 16:08:32

注册证和登记证印尼大使馆认证(CR和BR都要)  右方有联系方式

使领馆认证, 简称领事认证( LEGALIZATION BY EMBASSY OR CULATE) ,又称 “外交认证。 

LEGALIZATION BY EMBASSY OR Consulate, also known as "diplomatic accreditation".


It refers to the activities of the diplomatic and consular agencies of a country and their authorized agencies to confirm the authenticity of the last signature or seal of the notary agency, the corresponding agency or the certification agency on the notarial documents or other certifying documents.


It usually takes about 2 weeks for Indonesian embassy to certify, and the business license of Chinese and Indonesian enterprises should be provided. Accreditation of embassies and consulates is not only a practice, and in many countries in the form of legal provisions. Authenticated documents and documents have the legal effect of extraterritorial use and are recognized by the relevant authorities of the country of use.

印度尼西亚介绍:印度尼西亚共和国(印尼语:Republik Indonesia,英语:Republic of Indonesia),简称“印度尼西亚”(Indonesia)。是东南亚国家,首都为雅加达。印尼与巴布亚新几内亚、东帝汶和马来西亚等国家相接。印尼群岛自公元7世纪起即为重要贸易地区。印尼当地统治者吸收外国文化、宗教及政治型态,曾出现兴盛的佛教及印度教王国。穆斯林商人带入伊斯兰教,欧洲势力则带来了基督教,并于地理大发现后垄断香料群岛摩鹿加群岛的贸易。Introduction to Indonesia: The Republic of Indonesia (Republik Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia), or Indonesia (Indonesia). It is a southeast Asian country whose capital is Jakarta. Indonesia is linked to countries such as Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Malaysia. The Indonesian islands have been an important trading region since the 7th century. Indonesia's local rulers absorbed foreign cultures, religions and political styles, and flourishing Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms emerged. Muslim merchants brought Islam, while European powers brought Christianity and, after the great geographical discovery, monopolized trade in the Spice Islands of the Molucca.


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