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发布时间:2020-11-16 11:30:54


如需代办尼日利亚大使馆认证可直接电话联系我们,我们专业运作,一手操作,直接送大使馆及官方机构,简化办理流程, 时间较短,价格优惠。

Nigerian consular certification takes about two weeks. If you need the certification of Nigerian Embassy, you can contact us directly by phone. We have professional operation and direct delivery to embassies and official institutions. We can simplify the processing process, shorten the time and offer preferential prices.

尼日利亚使馆认证、加签大致流程: 第1步: 文件先经过贸促会(如果民事材料办理公证书)审核认证,审核需领事认证文件上的印章或者签字是否属实,审核后出具证明书,并且证明书上有国际商会的印章。 第2步: 将带有国际商会(或者公证处)认证签字的文件,送至外交部领事司,由领事司认证对商会(或公证处)的印章和签字进行认证,在认证的文件上由外交部领事司授权人签字。目前领事司并不直接接受个人申请的外交部认证及使馆领事认证,办理人员可经过外交部指定机构办理,如当地外事办和专业代办机构。第三步:将外交部认证好的文件递交尼日利亚使馆认证。

Step 1: The document shall be examined and certified by CCPIT (if civil materials are notarized). The seal or signature on the consular certification document shall be verified and verified, and the certificate shall be issued after verification. The certificate shall bear the seal of INTERNATIONAL Chamber of Commerce. Step 2: The document with the certified signature of the International Chamber of Commerce (or the notary Office) shall be sent to the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The consular Department shall certify the seal and signature of the chamber of Commerce (or the notary Office), and the authorized person of the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall sign the certified document. At present, the Consular Department does not directly accept the authentication of individuals by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the consular authentication of embassies. The handling personnel can go through the designated agencies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, such as local foreign affairs offices and professional agencies. Step 3: Submit the documents certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Nigerian Embassy for certification.

尼日利亚介绍:尼日利亚(英文:Federal Republic of Nigeria,全称:尼日利亚联邦共和国),位于6°27′N,3°24′E,处于西非东南部的国家,非洲几内亚湾西岸的顶点,邻国包括西边的贝宁,北边的尼日尔,东北方隔乍得湖与乍得接壤一小段国界,东和东南与喀麦隆毗连,南濒大西洋几内亚湾。

Nigeria is introduced: Nigeria (English: Federal Republic of they were, and full name: the Federal Republic of Nigeria), located in 6 ° 27 'N, 3 ° 24' E, in west Africa, southeast countries, Africa guinea at the apex of the bay, on the west side of the neighboring countries including benin, Niger, on the north side of a small Duan Guojie northeast lie between lake Chad's border with Chad, east and southeast and adjacent Cameroon, in the south Atlantic gulf of guinea.


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