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发布时间:2020-11-16 15:10:17



The embassy of Kazakhstan in China certification related requirements

The authentication of The Kazakh Embassy in China generally takes about 30 days.









 9、2017年12月16日起,文件(姓名和名称)翻译成哈语或俄语时,需使用汉语拼音或汉语西里尔字母转写系统。附:转写系统 10、凡涉及学历认证的公证书,须附《学信网》打印的带有二维码的证明。不接受拍照、截屏等方式(此信息2019年9月23日发布)。


1. One copy is required, and a copy fee of RMB 1 is charged.

2. The name of the party concerned in the notarial certificate shall be marked with the passport number, and the copy of the party's passport shall be attached at the end of the notarial certificate and bound together with the notarial certificate.

3, unmarried notarial certificate or no punishment notarial certificate, should be issued by the local civil affairs department or public security department parties in the local no marriage registration records or no criminal punishment certificate, then notarized. The Kazan party does not accept notarization of unmarried or unpunished entity and notarization of signature of declaration of no spouse. In addition, Kazakhstan does not accept notarization of passport copy.

4. Kazakh or Russian translation is required.

5. The Kazakh side requires the notarial certificate to include the translation of the documents certified to be consistent with the original and the translation of the testimony to be consistent with the testimony.

6. Diploma, no criminal record, Chinese tax resident status.

7. The opening hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

8. From July 6, 2017, the diploma must submit the Report on The Certification of Academic Qualifications in China's Higher Education and the Report on the Certification of Academic Qualifications in China's Secondary Education

9. Starting from 16 December 2017, documents (names and names) will be translated into Either Kazakh or Russian using the Chinese Pinyin or Cyrillic alphabet transliteration system. 10. For the notarial certificate involving academic qualification certification, the certificate with two-dimensional code printed by Xue Xin Net should be attached. No photos, screenshots, etc. (this message will be released on September 23, 2019).

Warm reminder: Due to the adjustment of the embassy's fee standard, relevant requirements and the time of application, please refer to the actual fee standard, processing requirements and application time of the embassy in China

咨询热线:134-1874-5414 公司邮箱:505857069@qq.com