当前位置: 首页 营业执照菲律宾领事认证的好处


发布时间:2020-11-17 10:10:21



(1) Experienced consular authentication to prove that the stamp and name on the instrument and document submitted by the exporter are true, so as to provide a kind of proof and explanation to the overseas institution, so as not to affect the application efficiency of the instrument and document abroad because the relevant institution in the importing country questions the authenticity of the instrument and document.


(2) through the consular certification, can make the certified paper files outside the national republic of China to produce efficiency of speaking, and entrance to the kingdom related institutions (such as commercial director, customs, bank, etc.) the recognition and take over, to ensure that the export business of various French (e.g., offer, request entry allowed, export foreign exchange settlement) which held.


(3) The experience of consular certification can enable the import country's embassy in China to conduct statistics and inspection of its business, especially on the import country to implement special commercial policy of the goods to carry out inspection and control (such as the prohibition or restrictions on import, anti-marketing, etc.), and experienced consular certification can prevent traffickers deceitfully and other actions.


(4) because the consular authentication price is higher, so from a certain benefit, it is a non-tariff commercial barrier, can also reach the goal of a disguised limit on the entrance; At the same time, the experience of consular authentication to charge authentication price, can also increase the revenue of the embassy and consulate. If consular certification is required,


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