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发布时间:2020-11-17 14:57:20


1、发票和产地证须一路认证。 2、须供应英文的证书应用目标说明。 3、香港出具尺简送香港领馆认证。 4、解决卒业证书或学位证书领事认证须同时提交并认证结果单、学历证明同时认证,并用英文填写使馆供应的请求人和议书。

The qatari Embassy in China generally needs 15 working days to certify, different material charges standard deviation, invoice charges according to the amount.

1. Invoices and certificates of origin must be certified along the way. 2. Description of the application objective of the certificate in English must be supplied. 3. A certificate issued by Hong Kong will be sent to the Hong Kong Consulate for authentication. The consular certificate of graduation or diploma must be submitted together with the certificate result sheet and certificate of education, and the applicant and proposal provided by the embassy should be filled in English.


1、需西文译文。 2、用于请求签证、居留等收支境手续的未刑公证,须由公安部分出具证明公证。哥方不接管未刑的实体公证。 3、今年年11月1日起苏、浙、沪、皖出具的公证尺简送驻上海总领馆,驻华使馆不再解决。

Certification of the Costa Rican embassy in China usually takes about two weeks.

1. Western translation is needed. 2. Unpunished notarization used to apply for visa, residence and other income and expense procedures shall be notarized by the public security department. Costa Rica does not take over the notarization of unpunished entities. 3. From November 1, this year, the notarized ruler issued by Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui will be sent to the Consulate General in Shanghai, and the Embassy in China will no longer solve the problem.


咨询热线:134-1874-5414 公司邮箱:505857069@qq.com