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印度尼西亚原产地证FORM E

发布时间:2020-11-25 11:12:51


Certificate of Indonesian origin, also known as Certificate of Indonesian origin, formerly known as Certificate of Origin from China to Indonesia, referred to as Certificate of Origin FE. It is an important basis for CCIB to issue the certificate of origin issued to the Indonesian importer to provide the Indonesian customs with the certificate to confirm that the country of production of this batch of imported goods is China according to the application requirements of the goods exporter, and then to the Indonesian customs to verify the tax rate that should be levied on this batch of imported goods.

印尼原产地证,别称东盟原产地证,隶属区域性优惠原产地证的一种,由于印尼是东盟成员国中的一员,因此,凡是货物出口至印尼时办理东盟原产地证书是可以在印尼国家获得一定的货物关税优惠减免待遇的。目前,还可以办理东盟原产地证FE的国家有:文莱、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、越南等十个国家,一般所办理出来的东盟原产地证书在外观上是为棕色,且总共是一式四份。书面申办FORM E 证书时采用FORM A申请书。申请书的项目应如实填写,与证书相同的栏目应与证书内容一致。

Indonesia certificate of origin, alias ASEAN certificate of origin, belongs to a regional preferential certificate of origin, because Indonesia is a member of asean member states, therefore, all goods exported to Indonesia for asean certificate of origin can be in Indonesia to get certain goods tariff preferential treatment. At present, also can handle the ASEAN certificate of origin FE country has: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and other ten countries, generally for the asean certificate of origin in the appearance is brown, and a total of four copies. The FORM A application shall be used for the written application of the FORM E certificate. Items in the application form should be truthfully filled in, and the same columns as the certificate should be consistent with the content of the certificate.

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