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发布时间:2020-11-25 11:16:12

一般原产地证CO:俗称非优惠原产地证明书或普通原产地证明书,英文名称为Certificate of origin,简称C/O或CO。一般原产地证CO没有关税减免等优惠待遇,仅是用于证明货物制造地,并让货物能够顺利清关。签发这种证明书的,通常出口到是中东、非洲、东南亚、中南美洲等地的国家。

General Certificate of Origin CO: commonly known as non-preferential Certificate of Origin or ordinary Certificate of origin, English name is Certificate of Origin, short for C/O or CO. General CO does not have preferential treatment such as tariff reduction and exemption. It is only used to prove the place of manufacture of goods and enable goods to be cleared smoothly. Such certificates are usually issued for export to countries in the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, Central and South America, etc.

普惠制产地证FORM A:FORM A证明书是受惠国(主要是发展中国家)货物出口到给惠国(主要是发达国家)时享受普惠制关税优惠待遇的原产地凭证。FORM A证明书上所列的商品只有符合对应给惠国的普惠制原产地规则时,才有资格享受关税减免待遇。目前,英国、法国、德国、意大利、荷兰、卢森堡、比利时、爱尔兰、丹麦、希腊、西班牙、科威特、奥地利、瑞典、芬兰、波兰、匈牙利、捷克、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、塞浦路斯、马耳他、保加利亚、罗马尼亚、瑞士、列支敦士登、挪威、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、乌克兰、哈萨克斯坦、日本、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大、土耳其共39个国家给予中国普惠制待遇。GSP Certificate of Origin A certificate of origin giving preferential treatment under GSP tariff when goods from A favored country (mainly developing countries) are exported to A favored country (mainly developed countries). Goods listed in the FORM A Certificate are eligible for tariff reduction or exemption only if they comply with the GSP rules of origin of the respective favoured country. At present, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Kuwait, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Hungary, the Czech republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Malta, Bulgaria, Romania, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Russia, belarus, Ukraine, kazakhstan, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Turkey, a total of 39 countries giving China the GSP treatment.

中澳自贸协定优惠产地证FORM U:澳大利亚原产地证,是一种中国只针对澳大利亚国家出具签发的一种区域性优惠原产地证,一般也叫做中国-澳大利亚自贸区优惠原产地证,是中国同澳大利亚国家于2015年4月开始洽谈,并于2015年的6月17日正式签署,后于2015年12月20号开始正式签发的就双方之间相互给予关税减免待遇的清关证明文件。China-australia fta preferential certificate of origin FORM U: certificate of origin in Australia, is a kind of China only for Australia issued by a regional preferential certificate of origin issued by the state, the general also called - Australia free trade area preferential certificate of origin in China, is China in April 2015 with Australia countries began to negotiate, and in 2015 formally signed on June 17, 2015 formally issued on December 20, on both sides of the clearance of the tariff treatment between documents.

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