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发布时间:2020-11-27 18:54:10


What is the commercial certificate of CCPIT


International commercial certificate refers to the activity in which the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade certifies the documents, documents and facts related to international commercial activities in accordance with the applicant's application and in accordance with Chinese laws, relevant regulations and international trade practices. It is applicable to goods trade, service trade, technology trade, international contracting project, intellectual property rights, foreign-related commercial litigation, investment, maritime and other fields. There are also certificates of international business called CCPIT, CCPIT, and China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.


The role of international commercial certificate of CCPIT: International commercial certificate is an indispensable authoritative commercial certificate for enterprises' export goods clearance and settlement of foreign exchange, development of international market, international bidding and bidding, visa for going abroad and other activities. Its scope of certification is applicable to trade in goods, trade in services, trade in technology, investment, international project contracting activities as well as foreign-related commercial litigation, maritime activities and other fields. The international commercial certificate issued by CCPIT has strong extraterritorial enforcement effect, especially in those countries in the Middle East and South America where chamber of Commerce certification is confirmed by law. The international commercial certificate issued by CCPIT has other certificates, including notarial certificate, which cannot replace the role and status. Therefore, it can be said that international commercial certificate is "the necessary supplement of national notarization and the reasonable development of civil private certificate". ,

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