Export declaration Turkish Embassy certification process
A Customer of Turkey asks to issue exit statement, need to be in embassy attestation, have never met before, do not know how to operate, ask everybody chivalry to give directions, thank!
1、因使馆不能直接认证文件上面的内容,无法验证文件上面的内容真伪,所以需要由贸促会, 也就是CCPIT,"中国国际贸易促进委员会“来验证文件的有效性,印章的属实性, 做成CCPIT 商事证明书形式。
所以做使馆认证的话,需要以上3个部门的认证。因为存在着3个官方部门的收费, 所以使馆认证的费用通常会比较高,而且某些时候领馆退证也无法退费。 所以您需提前跟国外客人确认好是否真的需要做土耳其使馆认证,确认好后再做,避免造成浪费,最好找专业代办机构办理。
Export declaration Procedures for embassy certification:
1. Since the embassy cannot directly authenticate the above contents of the documents or verify the authenticity of the above contents, it needs CCPIT, namely CCPIT," China Council for the Promotion of International Trade "to verify the validity of the documents and the authenticity of the seals and make them into CCPIT commercial certificates.
2. Then send the CCPIT seal certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China to the ministry of Foreign Affairs.
3, finally sent to the embassy, the embassy certification of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs above the seal.
So if you want to do embassy certification, you need the certification of the above three departments. Because there are 3 official departments' fees, the cost of embassy certification is usually high, and sometimes the consulate can not refund the fee. Therefore, you need to confirm with foreign guests in advance whether you really need to do the Turkish Embassy certification, and then do it after confirmation, to avoid waste, it is better to find a professional agency for handling.