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发布时间:2020-12-01 17:45:59

客户明年有业务往来! 但是厄瓜多尔需要销售认证授权! 听同事说 好像就叫什么大使馆认证! 有没有大神 帮帮怎么做!有什么步骤!

Customers will have business contacts next year! But Ecuador needs authorization to sell! Listen to a colleague to say to seem to call what embassy attestation! Have big god to help how to do! What steps are there!


Answer content: Ecuador customer you mean may be you out of a power of attorney, and to deal with Ecuador embassy certification, Ecuador embassy certification need Spanish translations, you can prepare authorization + west Chinese version, Chinese version or English version of + version, go to the ccpit certificate, and then working on the back of the certification, general need three weeks or so, suggest to prepare ahead of time, also can find the agent to handle, is specific to deal with a power of attorney for Ecuador embassy certification you can confirm with the client, check out in handling.


The Ecuadorian embassy's signature means that the document will be authenticated by ccPIT (Chamber of Commerce) or other notaries, then authenticated by the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and finally sent to the Ecuadorian Embassy in China for authentication. Documents and copies needed for embassy certification :1. Documents and copies needed for certification; 2. Copies of registration form for foreign trade managers and copies of business licenses. Application forms and other materials.


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