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发布时间:2020-12-03 18:11:46


大 使 馆 认 证


  1、履约保证备用信用证(PERFORMANCE STANDBY)——支持一项除支付金钱以外的义务的履行,包括对由于申请人在基础交易中违约所致损失的赔偿。

There are many types of standby letters of credit, which can be divided into the following eight categories according to their different functions in basic transactions:

1. PERFORMANCE STANDBY Letter of Credit -- Supporting the PERFORMANCE of an obligation other than payment of money, including compensation for losses due to the applicant's breach of contract in the underlying transaction.

  2、预付款保证备用信用证(ADVANCE PAYMENT STANDBY)——用于担保申请人对受益人的预付款所应承担的义务和责任。这种备用信用证通常用于国际工程承包项目中业主向承包人支付的合同总价10%-25%的工程预付款,以及进出口贸易中进口商向出口商支付的预付款。

  3、反担保备用信用证(COUNTER STANDBY)——又称对开备用信用证,它支持反担保备用信用证受益人所开立的另外的备用信用证或其他承诺

。3. Counter-standby -- also called COUNTER STANDBY, it supports additional STANDBY letters of credit or other undertakings issued by the beneficiary of the counter-standby


  4、融资保证备用信用证(FINANCIAL STANDBY)——支持付款义务,包括对借款的偿还义务的任何证明性文件。目前外商投资企业用以抵押人民币贷款的备用信用证就属于融资保证备用信用证。

4. FINANCIAL STANDBY Letter of credit -- Supporting payment obligations, including any documentary proof of repayment obligations on borrowed money. At present, the standby letter of credit used by foreign-invested enterprises as collateral for RMB loans belongs to the financing guarantee standby letter of credit.

  5、投标备用信用证( TENDER BOND STANDBY)——它用于担保申请人中标后执行合同义务和责任,若投标人未能履行合同,开证人必须按备用信用证的规定向收益人履行赔款义务。投标备用信用证的金额一般为投保报价的l%-5%(具体比例视招标文件规定而定)。

5. TENDER BOND STANDBY letter of credit -- it is used to guarantee the applicant's contractual obligations and responsibilities after winning the bid. If the bidder fails to perform the contract, the applicant must perform the indemnity obligations to the beneficiary as stipulated in the STANDBY Letter of Credit. The amount of the tender STANDBY Letter of credit is generally l%-5% of the quoted price (the specific proportion depends on the provisions of the tender documents).


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