大 使 馆 认 证---领 事 馆 认 证---贸 促 会 认 证---香 港 商 会 认 证---香 港 海 牙认 证--原 产 地 证 书→→
The bill of lading may be lost in the process of sending.
1. Lost under the control of the exporter;
2. The exporter loses the documents to the issuing bank after sending them to the issuing bank;
3. The issuing bank loses the documents after handing them over to the Courier company;
4. Lost after delivery by the express company to the negotiating bank;
5. The negotiating bank loses it after delivery to the consignee.
In the case of articles 1 and 5, the exporter and importer shall be liable respectively; In cases 2 and 4, the issuing or negotiating bank shall be held responsible; The problem is that losses often occur in a third category, and postal authorities have only a very limited liability under current postal regulations.
根据2000年国际贸易 术语 解释通则解释:在 CIF 、 CFR 和 FOB 条件下,卖方均必须自负费用毫不迟延地向买方提供运输单据。据此推论,单据丢失的风险一般应由卖方承担。
According to incoterms 2000, the seller must present the shipping documents to the buyer on CIF, CFR and FOB terms without delay and at its own expense. It follows from this that the risk of document loss should generally be borne by the seller.