当前位置: 首页 提单种类:公司注册证书阿联酋领事馆盖章认证


发布时间:2020-12-04 10:05:26


大 使 馆 认 证---领 事 馆 认 证---贸 促 会 认 证---香 港 商 会 认 证---香 港 海 牙认 证--原 产 地 证 书→→→

1)记名提单,就是直接以收货人公司名称作为提单的收货人,比如我公司发货给ABC COMPANY,  那么提单的consignee即为 ABC COMPANY, 这种提单是不能转让的。 货物到达目的港口后,只能由ABC COMPANY 来提货,因此记名提单不需要背书了。

1) Straight bill of lading refers to the consignee directly taking the name of the consignee as the consignee of the bill of lading. For example, if our COMPANY delivers goods to ABC COMPANY, the consignee of the bill of lading is ABC COMPANY. Such bill of lading is not assignable. Upon arrival at the destination port, the goods can only be picked up by ABC COMPANY, so the straight bill of lading does not need endorsement.

2) 指示提单,即收货人为to order(凭指示) 或者 to order of xx,(凭xx公司或者银行指示),这种提单是可以流通转让的。 举例说明如下

收货人若为 to order of ABC company, 那么 ABC company可以自己去提货,也可以背书,按照ABC company指示的第三方公司来提货

2) Order Bill of lading, i.e. consignee to order or to order of xx, such bill of lading is negotiable and assignable. Here is an example

If the consignee is to order of ABC Company, ABC Company may pick up the goods itself or endorse the goods to a third party company as instructed by ABC Company


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