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发布时间:2020-12-04 10:05:15


大 使 馆 认 证---领 事 馆 认 证---贸 促 会 认 证---香 港 商 会 认 证---香 港 海 牙认 证--原 产 地 证 书→→→


  Eu CE certification is a passport for domestic products to enter eu countries. However, many domestic manufacturers do not have a good understanding of the EU policies, the process of applying for CE certification for their products and how to successfully apply for CE certification, leading to a variety of problems encountered in the process of applying for CE certification.

  1.一些第三方机构(中介或测试认证机构)欧盟CE认证证书没有说明测试依据的EN标准及版本,只说明符合某指令是不被接受的,必须说明符合的EN协调标准,该标准的版本号等,而且,根据有关标准版本有效期(Doc)的规定,标准版本必须与欧盟官方公报公布的Doc一致。1. Some third party (mediation or test certification body) the European Union CE certification did not say EN standards and version of the test basis, only that conforms to a particular instruction is not acceptable, must accord with standard of EN coordination, the version number of this standard, etc., and, according to the regulation of the validity standard version (Doc), standard version must be in line with the eu's official communique released Doc.



  2. The EU CE certificate must state the number of the test report or state that this certificate must be used together with the technical structure document.

  3.有些产品不仅涉及LVD和EMC指令,可能还涉及R&TTE指令(通信指令),机械指令,噪声指令,企业或第三方机构(中介或测试认证机构)必须对此有很好的了解,不要遗漏某指令。3. Some products may involve not only LVD and EMC directives, but also R&TTE directives (communication directives), mechanical directives, noise directives. Enterprises or third parties (intermediaries or test and certification agencies) must have a good understanding of this and not omit any directive.




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