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发布时间:2020-12-08 10:51:58



Now the customer needs us to apply for the Registration form of Turkish exporters. We asked if this is to be certified by CCPIT and then to be certified by the embassy. Asked the ccPIT of Guangzhou, say to need business license, tax registers form, foreign trade manager puts on record form copy just can be dealt with, but we do not have foreign trade manager put on record form, so oneself do not do.

问了一下代理的也要这些文件。也有一些代理说用他们的抬头来办理,这样子好像就太麻烦了啊。请问有没有哪个公司的朋友有办理过这个的?你们当地办理需要递交什么文件?需要多长时间?我们的货已经出口上船了,时间比较紧急。I asked the agent for these files as well. Some agents said that it would be too much trouble to do it with their heads. Excuse me the friend that has which company has dealt with this? What documents do you need to submit for local handling? How long will it take? Our goods have been exported and boarded, the time is urgent.


Different regions of ccPIT certification may need to submit different materials, we generally need to provide the original exporter registration form, a copy of the business license, the original letter of authorization, application form and other materials can be handled. There are generally three procedures for the signing of the Turkish registration form by the Embassy, and the processing period is about three and a half weeks. It is recommended to reserve the time in advance.

咨询热线:134-1874-5414 公司邮箱:505857069@qq.com