当前位置: 首页 公证书签韩国领事馆认证(复杂么?)


发布时间:2020-12-08 10:45:04


领事馆加签 外交部盖章,大使馆认证代理;3-5天拿正本-;CO,CI,授权书等各类文件认证;

找可靠些的代办深圳市金柏昇贸易有限公司 韩国领事馆认证的中介,手头有一份无犯罪证明的公证书需要省外事办进行领事认证和韩国领事馆认证,我自己没有经验又赶时间,想找有经验的中介代办?

Look for some reliable agent shenzhen Jin Baisheng trade co., LTD. Korea consulates attestation intermediary, have in hand a notarization that does not have criminal proof needs provincial foreign affairs office to undertake consulates attestation and Korea consulates attestation, I have no experience to be in a hurry again, want to look for experienced intermediary agent?

回答内容:我们这里可以的,不过韩国分好几个领区的,我们可以办理上海和北京领区。领区划分: 1)苏、浙、沪、皖地区出具的文书送驻上海总领馆认证; 2)黑、吉、辽地区出具的文书送驻沈阳总领馆认证; 3)山东省地区出具的文书送驻青岛总领馆认证; 4)豫、湘、鄂、赣地区出具的文书送驻武汉总领馆认证。

Answer content: we can here, nevertheless Korea cent of a few lead a district, we can handle Shanghai and Beijing lead a district. 1) Documents issued by Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui provinces should be sent to the Consulate General in Shanghai for authentication; 2) Documents issued by Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning provinces should be sent to the Consulate General in Shenyang for authentication; 3) Documents issued by Shandong province shall be sent to the Consulate General in Qingdao for authentication; 4) Documents issued by Henan, Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi shall be sent to the Consulate General in Wuhan for authentication.


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