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发布时间:2020-12-09 16:56:57



与ISO9000系列国际标准要求之间的差距,向企业提交诊断报告。1.2工作计划:指导企业起草认证工作计划,双方确认后,严格按计划执行。在此基础上,再做咨询计划、认证计划。1.3 组织机构的设置:辅助企业设置专门负责认证工作的组织机构。1.4 ISO9000标准的培训。1.5为企业做整体管理框架设计,设定质量管理目标

To submit the diagnostic report for the gap with the requirements of ISO9000 series international standards. 1.2 Work plan: Guide the enterprise to draft the certification work plan, which shall be strictly implemented as planned after confirmation by both parties. On this basis, then do consulting plan, certification plan. 1.3 Establishment of organizational Structure: Assist enterprises to establish an organizational structure specially responsible for certification work. 1.4 ISO9000 standard training. 1.5 Design the overall management framework for the enterprise and set quality management objectives


2. System design stage 2.1 Document preparation training. 2.2 Help enterprises to determine the structure of the system files. 2.3 Guide the preparation of enterprise documents or according to the requirements of the enterprise.


3. System Operation stage 3.1 Discussion: supervise the consultees to discuss the system documents. 3.2 Training: document writers train the personnel who use the document. 3.3 Document review: Audit the system documents prepared. 3.4 Internal audit training: refer to British training materials and combine with Chinese internal audit training materials. 3.5 On-site supervision: relevant experts shall provide on-site guidance for the operation of the system.

4、iso9000认证内审阶段4.1第一次内审:以咨询人员为主,企业人员为辅, 内审时间一般比认证时间多。4.2第二次内审:根据第一次内审情况及认证所需时间,确定第二次内审时间 ,由企业人员为主,咨询人员为辅。4.3第二次内审完,根据情况确定是否需要增加第三次内审。

4. Iso9000 certification internal audit Stage 4.1 The first internal audit: mainly consultants, supplemented by enterprise personnel, internal audit time is generally more than the certification time. 4.2 Second internal audit: according to the situation of the first internal audit and the time required for certification, the time of the second internal audit shall be determined, mainly by enterprise personnel and supplemented by consultants. 4.3 After the second internal audit, the third internal audit shall be added according to the situation.


5. During the system improvement stage, we will conduct management review with the enterprise and make a preliminary review. According to the operation of the system, we suggest the enterprise to submit the application time for certification.


6. After the certification, work with the enterprise to correct the nonconformance terms and further quality management objectives according to the problems raised in the audit.

7、调查问卷为掌握咨询人员的工作和进一步改善,请客户填写咨询意见调查表。注:1、要求每一项咨询工作,都要有咨询记录并由客户签字。2、企业可根据自己的情况,选择部分咨询服务。In order to master the work of consultants and make further improvement, customers are requested to fill in the questionnaire. Note: 1. It is required that every consultation should be recorded and signed by the client. 2. Enterprises can choose some consulting services according to their own circumstances.

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