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菲律宾FSC 或 CFS使馆认证

发布时间:2020-12-09 17:12:04

菲律宾FSC 或 CFS使馆认证


自由销售证书(出口销售证明书)介绍: 自由销售证书也叫出口销售证明书 英文名称为:Free Sales Certificate、Certificate of Free Sale或者Certificate For Exportation of Medical Products;简称:FSC 或 CFS。

Explanation of Certificate of Free Sales (Certificate of Export Sales) : Certificate of Free Sales, Certificate of Free Sale or Certificate For Exportation of Medical Products has also been used as the term. Abbreviation: FSC or CFS.

 自由销售证书源于欧洲, 起初,欧洲经济区协定(EEA)个别成员国以及成员国境内的民间协会机构为了促销本国的产品到EEA境外的第三国,为当地制造商出具自由销售证书,其内容是证明是产品满足相关国家标准,满足相关的指令要求,产品安全可靠,质量达到相关要求,可以在本国本地范围内自由销售,并允许出口之类的。

Certificate of free sale originated in Europe, at first, the European economic area (EEA) agreement for individual member states and civil society institutions within the territory of member states in order to promote their product to a third country outside the EEA, issue the certificate of free sale for local manufacturers, its content is proved to be the product meet the relevant national standards, to meet the requirement of instruction, safe and reliable products, quality meet the relevant requirements, can be free sales in its local scope, and allows the export and so on.

最初的自由销售证书由欧洲民间协会、商会等机构出具,后经欧洲一些国家完善形成一套适合自己国家的体系。源于欧洲的这种 自由销售贸易壁垒,逐渐被世界部分国家认可,他们在进口产品时会要求货物发货方提供相应的自由销售证书

The original certificate of free sale was issued by the European private associations, chambers of commerce and other organizations, and later perfected by some European countries to form a set of systems suitable for their own countries. This kind of free sale trade barrier originated in Europe is gradually recognized by some countries in the world, they will require the consigner to provide the corresponding free sale certificate when importing products


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