大 使 馆 认 证 助 手-- 在 华 领 事 馆 认 证 帮 手-- 贸 促 会 认 证-- 香 港 商 会 认 证-- 香 港 未 再 加 工 证 明
间接贸易(IndirectTrade) 间接贸易是“直接贸易”的对称,是指商品生产国与商品消费国通过第三国进行卖买商品的行为。其中,生产国是间接出口;消费国是间接进口;第三国是转口。转口贸易(EntrecoteTrade)是指生产国与消费国之间通过第三国所进行的贸易。即使商品直接从生产国运到消费国去,只要两者之间并未直接发生交易关系,而是由第三国进行商品的买卖。
The difference between transit trade and transit trade
IndirectTrade is the symmetry of "direct trade". It refers to the behavior of commodity producing country and commodity consuming country to buy and sell commodities through a third country. Among them, the producer country is indirect export; Consumer countries are indirect imports; The third country is entrepot. EntrecoteTrade refers to the trade between producing and consuming countries through a third country. Even if goods are shipped directly from the producer country to the consumer country, as long as there is no direct trading relationship between the two countries and the goods are bought and sold by a third country.
Entrepot trade refers to the sale and purchase of import and export goods in international trade, which is not conducted directly between the producing and consuming countries, but through a third country. This kind of trade is the entrepot trade for the transit country. The goods traded may be transported by the exporting country to a third country, and then sold to the consuming country without processing in the third country (no processing theory such as changing packaging, classification, selection and finishing); It is also possible to transport goods directly from producer to consumer countries without going through a third country, but there is no transactional relationship between producer and consumer countries, and instead the transit country deals with producer and consumer countries respectively. Entrepots, warehouses and stacks of goods are part of the indirect transit in the re-export trade and transit trade.