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发布时间:2020-12-16 21:22:31


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保险单(Insurance Policy)和保险凭证(Insruance Certificate)

Insruance Certificate and Insurance Policy

它们是保险人(即保险公司)与被保险人(即投保人,一般为进出口商)之间订立的保险合同, 当被保险货物遭受保险合同责任范围内的损失时,它们是被保险人索赔、保险人理赔的依据。They are underwriter (namely insurance company) with insurant (namely policy-holder, it is import and export trader commonly) the insurance contract that conclude between, when insurant goods suffers the loss inside limits of insurance contract liability, they are the basis of insurant claim for compensation, underwriter manage compensate.

保险单(俗称"大保单"),是一种正规的保险合同,它一般包括下列内容:被保险人的名称, 被保险货物的名称、数量或重量、唛头、运输工具的种类和名称,承保险别,起讫地点, 保险期限和保险金额,还列有保险人的责任范围以及保险人与被保险人各自的权利、 义务等方面的详细条款。

Insurance policy (commonly known as "big policy"), is a kind of formal insurance contract, it generally includes the following contents: the name of the insured, the insured goods name, quantity, or weight, shipping mark, name and type of transport, insurance, and location, and insurance amount, insurance time limit is also list of scope of liability of the insurer and the insurer and the insured their respective rights and obligations of the detailed terms and conditions.

保险凭证(俗称"小保单"),是一种简化的保险合同,除对保险人和被保险人的权利、 义务等方面的详细条款不予载明外,其余的内容与保险单相同,并且与保险单有同等的效力。 但在实际业务中,我国保险公司大都签发保险单,较少使用保险凭证。

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