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自由销售证书 越南大使馆认证

发布时间:2020-09-02 15:00:07

越南.jpg1. FOB方式中的船货衔接问题


1. The connection between ship and cargo in FOB mode

The FOB term refers to two sufficient notices. One is that the buyer shall, after charteringthe vessel, give the seller full notice of the name of the vessel, loading time and place; Another is that the seller should give full notice to the buyer after the goods have been loaded on board the ship. In the first case, if the buyer fails to give sufficient notice, the designated ship fails to arrive on time or receive the goods on time, or stops loading ahead of the specified time, the loss or loss of the goods arising therefrom shall be borne by the Buyer. In the second case, since the risk of the goods is transferred by the seller to the buyer when the goods cross the ship's rail, the seller must inform the Buyer when the goods are loaded on board so that the buyer can take out insurance. Otherwise, the seller shall be responsible for the losses suffered by the buyer as a result.



On the burden of handling charges in chartering a vessel for transport

If liner shipping is used, handling charges are included in the liner freight. However, in the case of bulk cargo being transported by charter party, whether the ship shall bear the loading and unloading responsibility, that is, whether the freight shall include the loading and unloading expenses, shall be separately stipulated in the charter party. Therefore, when the seller and the buyer negotiate the sales contract, they shall specify who shall bear the loading and unloading expenses. It is usually illustrated by the deformation of trade terms, that is, the addition of a column after a trade term. The common deformation of FOB terms include:

FOB Liner Terms(FOB班轮条件),装船费用由支付运费的一方,即买方负担。

FOB Under Tackle(FOB吊钩下交货),卖方负责将货物交至买方指定的船只吊钩所及之处,吊装费用由买方负担。

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