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发布时间:2020-09-02 15:29:25


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  出票是指汇票、本票、支票的出票人按照票据法规定的记载事项和方式作成票据 并交付的一种票据行为。

I. Draft system

Draft refers to an act of making and delivering bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques in accordance with the particulars and manner specified in the Negotiable instruments Law.

  汇票、本票、支票出票的记载事项可以分为必须记载事项、任意记载事项、不产 生票据法效力的记载事项和不得记载事项四类。必须记载事项有:票据文字、无条件 支付的委托、确定的金额、付款人名称、收款人名称、出票日期、出票人签章,以及 付款日期、付款地、出票地。

Items recorded in the issue of bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques may be classified into four categories: those that must be recorded, those that are recorded arbitrarily, those that do not have the effect of the law on the production of negotiable instruments and those that may not be recorded. The items to be recorded include: the text of the bill, the unconditional order to pay, the fixed amount, the name of the payer, the name of the payee, the date of issue, the signature of the drawer, and the date, place and place of payment of the bill.

任意记载事项主要有:禁止背书、委托收款背书等,这 些事项一旦在票据上记载,就产生票据上的效力。不产生票据法上效力的记载事项, 主要指票据法以外的事项,如违约金、银行账号等,这些事项既使记载,也不产生票 据上的效力。不得记载事项,如附条件的支付委托、不确定的金额等。票据上记载这 些事项的,票据无效。

Any recorded items mainly include: prohibition of endorsement, the endorsement of collection, etc., these items once recorded on the bill, it will have the effect on the bill. The items recorded that do not have the effect on the negotiable instruments law mainly refer to the items other than the negotiable instruments law, such as liquidated damages, bank account number, etc., which, if recorded, do not have the effect on the negotiable instruments law. Items shall not be recorded, such as payment entrustment with conditions, uncertain amount, etc. A negotiable instrument containing such particulars shall be invalid.


  背书主要有三种,即转让背书、委托收款背书和质押背书。票据法规定转让背书 必须记载的事项有:背书人签章、被背书人名称、背书日期、背书必须是单纯背书, 禁止附条件背书和部分背书,背书附加条件的所附条件无效,背书仍然有效;背书仅 转让部分金额或转让两人的,背书无效。

2. Endorsement system

There are three kinds of endorsements, namely, the endorsement of transfer, the endorsement of trust and the endorsement of pledge. The negotiable instrument Law stipulates that an endorsement to be transferred must be specified as follows: the signature of the endorser, the name of the endorsee, the date of endorsement and the endorsement must be a pure endorsement. Conditional endorsement and partial endorsement are prohibited. The attached conditions attached to the endorsement shall be invalid and the endorsement shall remain valid. An endorsement is null and void if it transfers only part of the sum or two persons.

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