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发布时间:2020-09-02 15:32:36


合同需要正本盖章文件 而且一般是公章!


In import and export business, after both parties have reached an agreement through oral or written consultation, a written contract in a certain form must usually be signed. Because, the signing of a written contract has the following three aspects of significance and role:

 1、作为合同成立的证据。根据法律要求,合同是否成立,必须要有证明。通过口头磋商达成的交易,举证一般难以做到。一旦双方发生争议,需要提交仲裁或采用诉讼时,如果没有充足的证据,则很难得到法律保护  1, as evidence of the establishment of the contract. According to the law, there must be a proof to establish a contract. For deals negotiated orally, the proof is often hard to come by. If there is no sufficient evidence, it is difficult to get legal protection once the two parties have a dispute and need to submit it to arbitration or litigation

2、有时可作为合同生效的条件。交易双方在发盘或接受时,如声明以签订一定格式的书面合同为准,则在正式签订书面合同时合同方为成立。Can sometimes be used as a condition for a contract to come into force. When both parties make an offer or accept an offer, if they declare that a written contract in a certain form shall prevail, the contract party shall be deemed to be established when the written contract is formally signed.


3、作为合同履行的依据。国际货物买卖合同履行涉及的面广、经过的环节多。口头磋商内容如不以书面形式订立,很难得到履行。即使通过函电方式达成交易,也有必要将分散在往来函电中的交易条件集中订入一定格式的书面合同,以进一步明确双方权利义务,有利于合同的履行。3, as the basis for the performance of the contract. The performance of a contract for the international sale of goods involves a wide range of processes. It is difficult to carry out oral consultations if they are not in writing. Even if the transaction is concluded through correspondence, it is necessary to put the transaction conditions scattered in correspondence into a written contract in a certain form, so as to further clarify the rights and obligations of both parties and facilitate the performance of the contract.

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