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发布时间:2020-09-02 15:41:51



  提货单(Deliveryorder)是承运人签发给托运人的收据,指承运人和托运人之间存在一定的权利义务关系,双方权利义务关系以提单作为运输契约的凭证。在海运进口时要用"提单"B/L(Billoflaiding)到船公司去换出"提货单"D/O(Deliveryorder)才可以报关、提货,还要交一笔换单费.在法律上可以说,B/L是物权凭证,D/O是提货证明。A Deliveryorder is a receipt issued by the carrier to the shipper. It refers to a certain relationship of rights and obligations between the carrier and the shipper. The bill of lading is the proof of the contract of carriage. The "bill of lading" should be used when shipping import B/L (Billoflaiding) to the shipping company to change the "bill of lading" D/O (Deliveryorder) to customs clearance, delivery, pay a change single fee. In law,B/L is the certificate of title and D/O is the certificate of delivery.

  提货单有以下几点作用可能都皆为我们所知,但是还是要列出来给一下不太清楚的新入行的业务们看看:B/L bills of lading may have several functions that are well known to us, but they should be listed for those new businesses that are not so clear:



  提单是承运人签发给托运人的收据,确认承运人已收到提单所列货物并已装船,或者承运人已接管了货物,已代装船。1. A bill of lading is a receipt for goods.

A bill of lading is a receipt issued by the carrier to the shipper, confirming that the carrier has received and loaded the goods listed in the Bill of lading, or that the carrier has taken over the goods and loaded them on board the ship.




  承运人之所以为托运人承运有关货物,是因为承运人和托运人之间存在一定的权利义务关系,双方权利义务关系以提单作为运输契约的凭证。2. The bill of lading is proof of the contract of carriage.

Proof of contract of carriage between shipper and carrier.

The reason why the carrier is the shipper to carry the relevant goods is that there is a certain relationship of rights and obligations between the carrier and the shipper, and the rights and obligations of both parties take the bill of lading as the proof of the contract of carriage.



  提单是货物所有权的凭证。谁持有提单,谁就有权要求承运人交付货物,并且享有占有和处理货物的权利,提单代表了其所载明的货物3. A bill of lading is a document of title to goods.

Bill of lading is a document of title to the goods. He who holds a bill of lading has the right to require the carrier to deliver the goods, and has the right to possess and dispose of the goods, and the bill of lading represents the goods it contains

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