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发布时间:2020-09-14 17:10:47

认证不难,只需要提供扫描件 就好!如果是自己起草的 请提供 营业执照副本 检测报告等!有效辅助资料!


In the international trade, different countries have different trade systems. In the international trade, the production and sales of products, no matter in which country, should have legal procedures.

产品进口国的相关部门对于出口至自己国家的产品是否具有合法生产销售手续并不十分清楚,于是会要求进口商提供原产国产品的生产企业名称、地址、产品品名、规格型号以及是否获得本国政府部门的许可并允许其在本国领土范围内自由销售的证明文件,这就是自由销售证书(Certificate of Free Sales)。也就是说:出口到其他国家的产品,必须具有合法销售手续,并且不是假冒伪劣的三无产品。

Products importer of related departments for exports to their country's product is whether legal procedures of production and Sales are not very clear, and so will require importers to provide the origin of goods production enterprise name, address, product name, specifications, and whether their government permission and allow its freedom within its territory Sales documents, this is the Free Sales Certificate (Certificate of Free Sales). That is to say: products exported to other countries must have legal sales procedures, and are not fake and shoddy sannao products.


(Certificate of Free Sales). That is to say: products exported to other countries must have legal sales procedures, and are not fake and shoddy sannao products.

When does free sale certificate deal with commonly? The certification of foreign trade and economic documents is usually required by the importing country's authorities, customs or importers. If there is no such requirement, a free sale certificate issued in the above manner may be delivered directly for use

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