需要提供CI 正本一份就可以了
CI Certified by Egyptian Embassy certified by Egyptian Consulate
A copy of CI is required
The role of the Egyptian embassy certification in foreign countries can be smooth customs clearance delivery!
海运提单(BILL OF LADING–B/L)是承运人或其代理人应托运人的要求所签发的货物收据(RECEIPT OF GOODS),在将货物收归其照管后签发,证明已收到提单上所列明的货物;也是承运人所签署的运输契约的证明,提单还代表所载货物的所有权,是一种货物所有权凭证(DOCUMENT OF TITLE)。提单持有人可据以提取货物,也可凭此向银行押汇,还可在载货船舶到达目的港交货之前进行转让;是承运人与托运人之间运输合同的证明。
A BILL OF LADING is a BILL OF LADING which the carrier or its agent sends you upon the shipper's request, a RECEIPT OF the GOODS which you show as RECEIPT OF the GOODS specified in the BILL OF LADING after you have taken the GOODS into his care. It is also the proof OF the contract OF carriage signed by the carrier. The Bill OF lading also represents the ownership OF the goods carried, which is a DOCUMENT OF TITLE. The holder of the Bill of lading may take delivery of the goods on or under this bill of lading may transfer the goods until delivery of the carrying vessel at the port of destination; Proof of the contract of carriage between the carrier and the shipper.