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合同印尼领事馆认证 印尼大使馆双认证

发布时间:2020-10-14 20:21:10




  随着全球化的发展,中国迅速成长为世界第二大经济体。中国政府奉行和平发展和互利共赢的国际合作政策,中国的发展为世界各国的发展提供更多的市场、投资、增长和合作的机遇,也为维护世界和平和促进全人类的共同发展和进步贡献更多的中国力量。近几年来,每年出境的中国内地居民多达八九千万人次,每年来到中国经商、投资、旅行的外国人也高达两千多万人次。2014年,内地居民出境突破一亿人次,外国人来华人次超过2600万。为适应不断变化的形势和任务,中国政府在大力构建中外人员往来新秩序,通过与外国政府签订互免和简化签证手续协定或做出各种互惠安排使中外人员交流和边境人民跨境流动更加便利。The current trend of China's consular work is new

With the development of globalization, China has rapidly grown into the world's second largest economy. The Chinese government pursues a policy of peaceful development and mutually beneficial international cooperation. China's development provides more market, investment, growth and cooperation opportunities for the development of all countries in the world, and contributes more Chinese strength to maintaining world peace and promoting the common development and progress of all mankind. In recent years, the number of outbound trips made by Mainland Chinese residents has reached 89 million each year, and the number of business, investment and travel trips made by foreigners in China has reached 20 million each year. In 2014, mainland residents made more than 100 million outbound visits and foreigners made more than 26 million visits to China. In order to adapt to the changing situation and tasks, the Chinese government is making great efforts to establish a new order for personnel exchanges between China and foreign countries. Agreements on mutual exemption and simplification of visa procedures have been signed with foreign governments or reciprocal arrangements have been made to facilitate personnel exchanges and the cross-border movement of people between China and foreign countries.

  然而,中国人在海外的安全遇到了日益严峻的威胁和挑战,生存环境也存在各种风险和困难。中国政府正在加速建设“海外民生工程”,为海外中国人编织“安全网”,为他们在海外的生存和发展提供有利环境和安全保障,要求“外交工作既要顶天,服务国家大局,又要立地,服务海外企业和公民”,“使同胞们不管走到哪里,领事保护服务就跟到哪里”;“要把海外民生和当地民生结合起来,中国企业和公民都要遵守当地法律,尊重风俗习惯,尽己所能地履行好社会责任,维护好中国的形象,与驻在国融洽相处,当好中外友谊的使者”。 中国的海外民生工程和联合国千年发展目标(MDGs)所要达到的治理目标是相辅而行,相得益彰的。

However, the security of The Chinese people overseas is facing increasingly severe threats and challenges, and the living environment also has various risks and difficulties. "Overseas Chinese government is speeding up construction of the people's livelihood project", for the overseas Chinese weaving "safety net", as they provide good environment for the survival and development of overseas and security, require "diplomatic work should not only sky, serves the nation to stand again, service enterprises and overseas citizens", "make compatriots no matter go to where, where consular protection services like"; "We should integrate the livelihood of the overseas people with that of the local people. Chinese enterprises and citizens should abide by local laws, respect local customs, fulfill their social responsibilities to the best of their ability, maintain the image of China, get along well with the host countries, and act as ambassadors of friendship between China and other countries." China's overseas livelihood projects and the governance targets set for the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) should complement and complement each other.

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