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发布时间:2020-10-13 16:07:24



领事工作是外交工作的重要组成部分。随着中国全面深化改革,扩大对外开放,中国公民和企业“走出去”步伐不断加快。2017年,中国公民出境已达1.46亿人次。领事工作不仅服务于国家经济建设、国家安全、社会稳定、外交大局,而且“走入寻常百姓家”,与社会民生的关联日益紧密。Consular work is an important part of diplomatic work. As China has comprehensively deepened reform and opened wider to the outside world, the pace of "going global" of Chinese citizens and enterprises has been accelerating. In 2017, Chinese citizens made 146 million overseas trips. Consular work not only serves the country's economic development, national security, social stability and overall diplomatic situation, but also "enters the common people's homes" and is increasingly closely related to the people's livelihood.


  The China Consular Service Network is a platform that puts people first and serves the interests of the people in China's diplomatic work, providing one-stop information services for overseas travel of Chinese citizens. Website officially opened in November 2011, December 2013 revised online, not only provide security alert, led the Chinese citizens travel destination in the news and all kinds of practical information services, and added a "Chinese citizens going abroad and overseas voluntary registration", "overseas" on the web site to apply for a passport and other convenient service system, you are welcome to click and use.


We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all sectors of the community for their continuous support and kindness to China Consular Services. We sincerely welcome your valuable comments and Suggestions on our work. I hope that with our joint efforts, the China Consular Service Network will become a better and better service for Chinese citizens traveling overseas.

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