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越南驻华领事认证 越南大使馆认证TUV

发布时间:2020-11-16 13:52:52


Recently, the situation of Vietnam's consular certification in China has changed, it takes about 2 weeks for the current Vietnamese double certification, the Vietnamese embassy certification requirements are roughly as follows. (Warm reminder: Consular certification requirements are subject to change. Please refer to the latest requirements of the embassy or consulate for reference only.)


2、A.中国护照、身份证、居留许可证、驾照、毕业证(包括成绩单)等证照类文书如未提前办妥国内涉外公证及“双认证”,并已被持有者带到越南境内:持有者可通过越南公证部门将正本申请办理副本公证书或翻译版的公证书,但须通过后续机关审核后才能决定是否受理认证事项。 B.如上述证件未带入越南境内:仍按照正常流程办理国内涉外公证及中国外交部、越南驻华使领馆“双认证”。(2020年9月17日更新)

1. One copy is required, and a copy fee of RMB 1 is charged.

2, a. Chinese passport, identity card, residence permit, driver's license, certificate (including transcripts) and other certification documents such as not completed ahead of domestic foreign-related notarization and "double certification", and has been the holder to the territory of Vietnam: the holder by Vietnam original notarization department will apply for A copy of the notarial deed or translation version of the notarial deed, but after checking by subsequent authority to decide whether to accept the authentication matters. B. If the above documents are not brought into Vietnam: domestic notarization related to foreign affairs and "double authentication" of Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Vietnamese Diplomatic and Consular missions in China shall still be handled in accordance with normal procedures. (Updated on 17 September 2020)


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