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发布时间:2020-11-16 14:29:51


Domestic companies generally to Vietnam investment company or the opening of a branch office, the Vietnamese party usually give a list of files, and have a pledge, corporate resolution of shareholders, account opening application form, and so on data, including: a copy of the business license of the company and domestic translation needs to be in Vietnam embassy consul authentication, how to deal with this certification? How long will it take? Where does the Vietnamese embassy certificate of business license go to deal with? The following is the Vietnam consulates the authentication roughly to handle the process, only for the enterprise reference! If you need Vietnam consular certification


Business license, export sales certificate, (or free sales certificate), letter of authorization and other business documents are frequently used by the Vietnamese Embassy in China to handle consular certification. Almost every day, we help enterprises to handle the embassy certification business of these materials. First, let me explain what is embassy certification? The standard of embassy certification is called consular certification, commonly known as double certification, embassy certification. Consular certification refers to the activities in which consular certification bodies, upon the application of natural persons, legal persons or other organizations, confirm the authenticity of the last seal and signature on domestic notarial certificates, other documents of certification or relevant foreign documents. The purpose of consular authentication is to enable an instrument issued by a state to be recognized within the territory of another state without the doubt of the authenticity of the seal or signature on the instrument affecting its extraterritorial legal effect.

越南驻华领事认证,通俗来讲,就是在越南成立公司,需要提供营业执照这些申请材料给越南当局,营业执照如果需要在越南得到认可,可以使用,就需要拿到中国外交部和越南驻华使领馆认证和盖章,这样这份营业执照就会产生效力,在越南可以使用,这个就是要办理领事认证的目的,这个只是举例子。Vietnam consul authentication, popular, is start a company in Vietnam, need to provide the business license of the application materials to the Vietnamese authorities, business license, if need to be recognized in Vietnam, you can use, you need to get the Chinese foreign ministry and embassies and consulates in China and Vietnam affix one's seal, this will effect the business license, can be used in Vietnam, this is to deal with the purpose of consular authentication, this is just an example.

营业执照办理越南领事认证的大致流程:营业执照这种材料办理领事认证,一般都是办理复印件,因为原件就一份,另外营业执照分正本和副本,两种都可以办理领事认证,大部分涉外领事认证都是办理营业执照(副本)的领事认证即可,不过最好建议您可以跟国外文书使用方确认下,有没有特别要求。Business license for Vietnam consular certification process roughly: business license of the material to handle consular certification, are generally not dealt with copy, because the original is a, another business license original and one copy, both of them can handle consular certification, most of the foreign consular authentication is to handle the business license (copy) of consular certification, but the best advice you can use with foreign documents confirm, do you have any special requirements.


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