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发布时间:2020-11-16 15:34:31




How to make the letter of authorization embassy certification

How to make the letter of authorization embassy certification? A power of attorney is a document with legal effect. Usually, the party authorizes others to exercise its own legal rights and interests on behalf of itself. It is often required to handle materials in foreign-related authentication. Ii. Letter of authorization for product Registration; 3. Trademark and patent applications and power of Attorney for Registration; Iv. Power of Attorney for Competitive Bidding


Among them agent sales kind of power of attorney is the most, agent sales, direct understanding is that all is not produced by themselves, the sale of the completion of the other party can be called agent sales, for this concept we often hear of dealers, agents and so on. A power of attorney in this respect, as the name implies, authorizes a party to sell a certain type of product. This is a more direct and basic power of attorney, in which a Chinese enterprise authorizes a foreign enterprise to act as a Chinese distributor abroad.


Generally, in addition to the main materials required for the certification, supporting materials such as business license (latest), import and export registration form and commercial application form should also be provided. The process of embassy certification is the same as other general materials.


Authorization letters often handle embassy certification countries have; Egypt, Vietnam, Turkey, Brazil, Russia, India, Kuwait, Colombia, Slovakia, Peru, the Philippines and other countries, different countries deal with authorized delegate class embassy certification requirements is different, such as language, such as some countries to Spanish translation, some countries also need to have a purpose, Suggestions to deal with before you ask the embassy certification requirements, and then began to deal with.


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