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发布时间:2020-11-16 15:33:20



There are changes in the requirements for the dual certification of Peruvian consuls in China

How long does it take for Peruvian embassy certification to be exported? How long does Peru double certification take? The certification of Peruvian Embassy in China generally takes about 12 working days. The relevant requirements for the certification of Peruvian consul in China are as follows:

1、产地证和发票复印件须订在一起。 2、需提供1份复印件。 3、苏、浙、沪、皖、赣、闽地区出具的文书送驻上海总领馆认证。 4、自2019年9月起,认证需提交申请人的身份证号码;申请企业认证需提交统一社会信用代码(2019年8月28日发布)。

1. Copy of certificate of origin and invoice must be stitched together. 2. One copy should be provided. 3. Documents issued by Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangxi and Fujian provinces should be sent to the Consulate General in Shanghai for authentication. 4. Starting from September 2019, the applicant's ID number shall be submitted for authentication; Unified social credit code is required to apply for enterprise certification (issued on August 28, 2019).


Peru's Foreign trade: Peru has a free trade policy. It mainly exports mineral products and petroleum, agricultural and animal husbandry products, textiles, fishery products and so on. In 2017, Peru's foreign trade totaled us $83.71 billion, including US $44 billion in exports and US $39.71 billion in imports, up 16 percent, 22.1 percent and 9.9 percent, respectively, year-on-year. Major trading partners are China, the United States, Brazil, Canada and so on.


In March 1991, the Peruvian government amended the law on foreign investment, removing certain restrictions on foreign investment and allowing foreign investors to invest in sectors such as energy, telecommunications and tap water, and remitting their profits freely. In 2011, Peru attracted us $7.659 billion in foreign direct investment (IDE), up 4.5% from 2010. In the first half of 2012, Peru attracted a total of US $5.44 billion of foreign direct investment, an increase of 31 percent year on year, ranking fifth in Latin America. Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States are the main sources of investment

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