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发布时间:2020-11-16 15:33:06



New requirements for Consular certification by Greece

Recently, the consular certification requirements of Greece in China have been changed. According to the feedback from the Consulate-General of Greece in Shanghai, from September 1, 2019, the Consulate of Greece will adjust the certification requirements of some dual-certification notarial certificates. The following regulations are now stipulated:

1. 出生公证(包括出生医学证明公证)、曾用名公证,均须粘贴当事人本人二寸免冠照片,并加盖公证处钢印;

1. The notarization of birth (including the notarization of the medical certificate of birth) and the notarization of the former name shall be accompanied by the two-inch bareheaded photo of the person concerned and the stamp of the notary office;

2. 婚姻状况公证书,均须粘贴夫妻二人单身或合影照片,并加盖公证处钢印。(注;结婚证公证可以不贴。特殊情况如果配偶一方死亡后,另一方提供不了死亡者照片的,则可不在公证书上粘贴照片,生存者一方仍旧要贴上照片)

2. The notarial certificate of marital status shall be pasted with the single or group photo of the couple and stamped with the stamp of the notary office. (note; Marriage certificate notarization can not stick. Special circumstances If one of the spouses fails to provide a photograph of the deceased after his or her death, the photograph may not be affixed to the notarial certificate. The surviving spouse shall still attach the photograph.)

3. 亲属关系公证书,均须粘贴涉及全部关系人的单身或合影照片,并加盖公证处钢印。

3. The notarial certificate of kinship shall be pasted with the single or group photo of all the related parties and stamped with the stamp of the notary office.


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