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发布时间:2020-11-17 10:05:57

营业执照菲律宾泰国领事馆双认证(几天?) 5天

开业执照是外贸出口中时常解决领事认证的质料之一,此类质料解决使馆认证相对简略。开业执照解决领事认证因此复印件模式解决,因为是中文质料,因此需要翻译成英文(备注:片面国度领事认证请求是其余说话译文),执照复印件+英文翻译件合在一路才气解决认证。The business license is one of the materials that often solve consular authentication in foreign trade export. This kind of materials solve embassy authentication relatively simple. Business license to solve consular authentication, so the copy mode to solve, because it is Chinese material, so need to be translated into English (note: one-sided countries consular authentication request is the rest of the spoken translation), the license copy + English translation together in all the way to solve the authentication.

开业执照解决秘鲁领事认证大抵步调如下:筹办好开业执照复印件,对应的英文翻译件,佐证质料(请求表、收支口存案挂号表等质料)先解决CCPIT贸促会认证,解决好贸促会的证明书往后,就能够去交际部和秘鲁使馆解决领事双认证了,秘鲁领事认证一切弄好大约需要10-12天摆布。如下是开业执照解决秘鲁领事认证样本,仅供客户参考。Practice license pace solve consular certification in Peru as follows: preparing good practice license copy of the corresponding English translation, supporting material (such as registration request table, balance of payments keep on record material) to solve the CCPIT CCPIT certification, to solve the CCPIT certificate in the future, will be able to go to the ministry of communication and solve Peru embassy consul dual certification, Peru consular certification all repair takes about 10-12 days. The following is the sample of Peruvian consular certification for business license solution, for customer reference only.


Both of these two solutions are equally useful. The customer can choose an environment according to his needs and confirm with the guest in Turkey. If you need to solve, you can contact our customer service consultation by phone!


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