How long does it take for Beijing to handle the certificate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?
外交部领事认证是指我国内出具的涉外公证书或商业文书拟送往国外使用前,办理好我国外交部领事司或其授权的地方外办的领事认证后,文书使用国告知无需办理该国驻华使领馆的领事认证,文书使用国即可接受该文书,这通常也被叫做“单认证”。Consular certification means I issued by the domestic foreign notarial deed or business documents to abroad before use, apply for the department of consular affairs or its authorized local foreign affairs consular certification, documents using the inform without having to deal with the country's embassies and consulates in China consular certification, documents use countries can accept the documents, which is usually called "single certificate".
Generally, those who go abroad for a short period of time and stay for no more than 90 days only need to be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, such as schengen National Tourism notarization certification.
Rush a work day.