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发布时间:2020-11-25 11:04:40

发票贸促会认证商会证明 点联系


The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), established in 1952, is a national foreign trade and investment promotion agency.


The main duties of CCPIT are to implement the relevant major national development strategies and promote foreign trade, two-way investment and economic and technological cooperation. To promote institutional cooperation with overseas counterparts; To receive high-level overseas economic and trade delegations and organize visits by Chinese economic and trade delegations; To administer the holding of economic and trade exhibitions abroad throughout the country; to be responsible for China's participation in the Bureau of International Exhibitions and world Expositions; To hold and organize enterprises to participate in economic and trade exhibitions, forums, business talks and relevant international conferences; In the field of foreign trade and economic cooperation, speak for industry and commerce, participate in the formulation of economic and trade policies and regulations, foreign economic and trade negotiations and international commercial rules; To carry out legal counsel, commercial mediation, economic and trade and maritime arbitration, issue and issue certificates of origin of export commodities, documents and documents related to foreign trade, and provide intellectual property services such as patent application, trademark registration and litigation rights protection; To organize industries and enterprises to deal with economic and trade frictions; Provide economic and trade information, economic and trade training and other services.


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